  • USA, New York City
  • Né(e) en:1992
  • Assistant depuis:2018
  • Permis de conduire:Voiture
  • Voiture personelle:voiture personnelle disponible
  • Passeport:oui
  • Langues:Anglais

Assistant photo, Opérateur numérique

CT Smith

People, Portrait, Repérage, Mode, Beauté, Reportage, Nature morte, Culinaire


I've been assisting/gaffing full time since 2018. Very versed in all strobe, HMI and LED. Would love to work with some new people this year,

so please don't hesitate to reach out.

A few shooters I currently work alongside:

Luis Alberto Rodriguez
Campbell Addy
Quentin De Briey
James Brodribb
Sarah Blais
Hans Neumann
And many others

Références en tant qu'assistant / Carrière

I have a BFA in photography from SVA and I worked full-time in a

photo studio for 3 years after graduating which taught me the gear.


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