- France, Paris
- Né(e) en:1999
- Assistant depuis:2022
- Permis de conduire:pas de permis de conduire
- Voiture personelle:pas de voiture personnelle
- Passeport:non
- Langues:Anglais, Russe
- Téléphone: +33749533766
- https://danielezov.myportfolio.com/
- danil-2929@yandex.ru
Assistant photo
People, Portrait, Repérage, Mode, Beauté, Reportage, Nature morte, Culinaire, Paysage
I'm working with film cameras for almost a five years now, in my own disposal are: Mamiya RB67, Yashica MAT 124G, Yashica YF, Nikon F2, Canon V-L, Polaroid
SX-70. In digital format I use Nikon Z6 with cobra flash. I also work with Elinchrom. My other tools are: Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop, Bridge, Premiere, Capture One.
Références en tant qu'assistant / Carrière
I'm currently studying photography in Paris, France at Spéos photography school. I worked in a few projects as an assistant in Russia and Turkey. I've also worked for a Moscow magazine (Antipa press) and for Guliver Publishing as a photographer.
Bulat Arslanov, Assistant photo freelance, 1 à 5 jobs