- France, Paris
- Né(e) en:2005
- Assistant depuis:2020
- Permis de conduire:pas de permis de conduire
- Voiture personelle:pas de voiture personnelle
- Passeport:oui
- Langues:Anglais
- Téléphone: 0749746218
- www.wyattkrauss.com
- wyattkraussphotography@gmail.com
Assistant photo
Wyatt Krauss
People, Portrait, Repérage, Mode, Beauté, Reportage, Paysage
I am proficient in capturing with both digital and analog formats. I have 4+ years of experience shooting in-studio, outdoors and on-location for clients and personal projects. I have knoledge in studio lighting (technically and creatively) using standard industry brands most notably Profoto. My proficiency with software include Lightroom, Photoshop, Capture One and Adobe Bridge. I have years of location scouting experience for creative portraits, corporatations, wedding
and family photography according to clients ideas and vision. I came to Paris this year to pursue formal education at Spéos Photographic Institute after nearly four years working as a freelance portrait photographer in California. I've photographed for international corporations including The Clorox Company, Burt's Bees and Keller Williams Real Estate Worldwide. I'm here to be a well rounded photographer with an emphasis on storytelling portraiture.
Références en tant qu'assistant / Carrière
I am currently studying photography at Spéos Photographic Institute in Paris. I have 3+ years of experience assisting photographers on location and in studio. I'm 18 years old and I'm a fast learner and very disciplined.
Dorean Raye , Assistant photo freelance, 1 à 5 jobs
Haley Miller, Assistant photo freelance, 1 à 5 jobs