  • USA, Atlanta
  • Né(e) en:1992
  • Assistant depuis:2016
  • Permis de conduire:Voiture
  • Voiture personelle:voiture personnelle disponible
  • Passeport:oui
  • Langues:Anglais, Espagnol

Assistant photo, Opérateur numérique

Juan Rodriguez

People, Portrait, Architecture, Repérage, Mode, Beauté, Nature morte, Culinaire, Paysage, Voiture


Digital tech kit: Seaport, tripod, computer with latest version of Capture One Pro, portable computer battery,

tether cords, tether block. Sony A1, Sony 7rIII, Sony 50mm GM, Sony 24-70mm GM lens.

Références en tant qu'assistant / Carrière

All my photography experience is from working on set in Los Angeles for over 6 years. I have over 6 years of experience as a light tech and over 3 years of experience as a digital tech.

Digital tech for Josh Ryan, Jake Stangel, Larry Bartholomew, Caleb Thal, Brian Overend, Paul Mitchel (Brand- In house)

Light tech and

assistant for represented photographers such as Jason Madara, Anais & Dax, Jeff Valle, Frankie Batista, Jake Stangel, Jason Nocito, Pricilla Gragg, Collet de Barros, Larry Bartholomew and more.

Worked with 3 star productions in Los Angeles for Netflix and Amazon. I have worked for brands such as Target, Elle Magazine, Fabletics, Guess, Skechers, New York Times, and more.


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