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  • USA, New York City
  • Né(e) en:1984
  • Assistant depuis:2024
  • Permis de conduire:Voiture
  • Voiture personelle:pas de voiture personnelle
  • Passeport:non
  • Langues:Anglais

Assistant photo

Ben Smith

People, Portrait, Architecture, Repérage, Prod. assistant, Nature morte, Culinaire, Paysage, Exp. internationale


I currently shoot with Fuji X-T3s and Godox strobes. I am highly proficient in Photoshop and Lightroom, having used both for over a

decade. My time on film sets has familiarized my with much of the grip and lighting gear that overlaps with stills work.

Références en tant qu'assistant / Carrière

I studied film, video production, and creative writing at Hampshire College 2004-2008. I have worked on large film sets a PA, PM, locations manager and indie sets as director, camera operator, DP, and producer. I have worked extensively as a video editor in corporate and advertising.


and film photography had been a hobby until 2020 when I expanded my kit, further educated myself, and began taking stills work for events, shows, product, and portraiture. I took several continuing education courses at SVA in lighting for portrait, narrative photography, and Photoshop retouching.


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