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  • USA, New Orleans
  • Né(e) en:1989
  • Assistant depuis:2022
  • Permis de conduire:Voiture
  • Voiture personelle:voiture personnelle disponible
  • Passeport:oui
  • Langues:Anglais

Assistant photo

John Beasley

People, Portrait, Architecture, Repérage, Mode, Beauté, Nature morte, Culinaire, Paysage, Voiture


I am highly experienced in shooting landscapes, hotel/resort, portraits, adventure, drone photography, and architecture. I am a passionate and detail

oriented creative. I have an eye for amazing scenes and captures and would be suited for any photography needs.

Références en tant qu'assistant / Carrière

I have over a decade of photography experience and have worked for myself and other photographers to complete compelling works of photographic art.

Rush Jagoe , Assistant photo freelance


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