  • Espagne, Mallorca
  • Né(e) en:1986
  • Assistant depuis:2007
  • Permis de conduire:Voiture
  • Voiture personelle:voiture personnelle disponible
  • Passeport:oui
  • Langues:Anglais, Espagnol, Allemand

Assistant photo, Opérateur numérique

Antonella Debellis

People, Portrait, Architecture, Mode, Beauté, Reportage, Nature morte, Culinaire, Paysage, Voiture, Exp. internationale


Photo assistant with 17 years of experience. Digital, camera and light assistant. Experienced with big format, medium format and 35mm. Film loading. Underwater camera and assistant.

Light assistant for cars, advertising and fashion. Knowledge of cinema equipment and lights. International experience and long productions.

2018/ Actual - Freelance photo assistant with base in Barcelona. Valencia and Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

2013/ 2017 - Freelance photo assistant with base in Barcelona, Madrid, Palma de Mallorca &

Tenerife, Spain and Hamburg, Germany.

2012 - Freelance photographer/ Palma de Mallorca - Barcelona, Spain.

08_2011/ 11_2011 - Freelance photo assistant/ Hamburg, Germany & Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
2010/ 07_2011- Fixed photo assistant for Uwe Duettman/ Hamburg, Germany.
2009 - Freelance photo assistant/ Hamburg, Germany.

2007/2008 - Freelance photo assistant/ Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
2008 - Cinema rental practicum/ The Balearic Lighthouse S.L/ Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
2006/2008 - Rental & studio assistant/ Spot S.L/ Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

Références en tant qu'assistant / Carrière


Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology
UNED - 2014 / in progress - 2 subjects by year

Superior Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Artistic Photography
Escola d'Art i Superior de Disseny de les Illes Balears - 2004 /2007
Baccalaureate in Art modality

IES Josep Maria Llompart, Illes Balears - 2002 /2004


PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor
Professional Association of Diving Instructors , Indonesia - 2017

Emergency First Response Instructor
Emergency First Response, Indonesia - 2017

National Canoeing Instructor (Medium grade in Canoeing)
Federacion Espan?ola de Piragu?ismo, Iles Balears - 2004

PhaseOne Certified Professional (POCP)
A - Clam, Barcelona - 2015

PhaseOne Certified Professional (POCP)
Teamwork Photo, London - 2012


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