- USA, San Francisco
- Né(e) en:1992
- Assistant depuis:2018
- Permis de conduire:Voiture
- Voiture personelle:voiture personnelle disponible
- Passeport:non
- Langues:Anglais
- Téléphone: 9493016410
- brandondavidroth.com
- hello@brandondavidroth.com
Assistant photo
Brandon David Roth
People, Portrait, Mode, Beauté, Nature morte, Culinaire, Paysage
Most comfortable with Profoto studio packs as of lately, most of my assisting work ends up being in studio with
this equipment. Familiar with an assortment of continuous lighting and have worked plenty with natural light and modifying natural light.
Références en tant qu'assistant / Carrière
Trained at the school of photography at orange coast college. OCC's photography program is heavily based in the commercial aspect. All professors at the establishment are either current or former commercial photographers.
After graduating school I fell into a role at a cyclorama studio in Orange County, CA where I constructed a cyc wall and run day to day operations alongside with the owner.
Tim Tadder, Assistant photo freelance, plus de 1 an
Hugh Foster, Assistant photo freelance, plus de 1 an
Niki Cram, Assistant photo freelance, plus de 5 jobs